Welcome to The OT Potential Club!

I am in private, pediatric practice. I work with kids who have a variety of neurological, genetic, and developmental delays; some of them have multiple diagnoses and are medically fragile.

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I’m excited to have found this resource and I’m looking forward to joining in on the weekly article discussions! Thank you for starting this club!

Hi everyone! My name is Chelsey. I’m a student at the University of Central Arkansas. I am pursuing my doctoral degree and will be graduating August 2021! I am super excited to have found this resource and be part of the club!

I’m currently completing my doctoral capstone and was hoping to find some good resources to use. I’m creating a website and online course that focuses on occupational therapy within the foster/adoptive population. I will be happy to share it once it’s complete. This is still an emerging area of practice, so if any experienced OTs or even parents of foster/adopted children have more knowledge on this topic, I would love to pick your brain and read some articles!

Thanks Sarah for providing a community where we can all connect!

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Hi @ChelseyIglesia!! Welcome!! Wow! Your capstone sounds so interesting! That is definitely an areas I’ve thought would be a good fit for OTs.

The concept of participatory medicine might be interesting for you to explore. It is a model that is built on trust and partnerships with our clients. That seems extremely important in working with this population!


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Oh I love that! Thank you so much, I will definitely utilize that within my capstone!

Who can I email for technical assistance? I would like to read the full text of the JAMA article regarding PD; however, the link seems to lead me on a rabbit trail. Thank you in advance to anyone that can help!

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Hi Cindy!! If you ever need any help just chat me in the little chat box in the lower right! I was out of office already for today, but during the work day I try to respond in a timely manner!

The PD JAMA article is a paid article. I always feel a little conflicted about reviewing paid articles, because I know they are less accessible. But the information in them always seems worthwhile! I always try to notate next to the article link at the top if it is paid!

If you were wanting to pay for it, I think you have to make an account first!

Ok, thank you! I saw that comment about it being paid, but wasn’t sure if it meant that the club had already paid for it or if we had to pay for it.


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By the way, this is a great website! Good job! I’m sure it’s a lot of hard work!

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That’s a great point on that paid sentence! I can definitely make that more clear in the future. And, thank you for the encouragement! This site is definitely a passion of mine and so many people have worked together to make it possible!

Hello, I just joined and am looking to find more evidenced based practice information/research regarding orthopedics, dementia and gerontology. Looking forward to learning from my fellow OTs!
Thank you,

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Welcome @marcy! It is great to have you! Here is all of our content that is tagged as adult-rehab, so you can scroll and get a sense of our resources! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you get oriented to the Club!!


Hello Everyone!
My name is Nicole Seravello and I am currently a second-year MOT student in Orlando, FL. I am excited to be joining this community and begin expanding my knowledge of EBP and tools to help me be the best practitioner I can for my future clients. I am currently at my first FWII rotation in a geriatric outpatient setting and will be heading to a pediatric clinic this fall. I am also passionate about therapeutic horticulture and strive to utilize nature as a therapeutic medium wherever possible.
I am looking forward to learning a lot from this community!

Hi @nicole25!! Welcome! I’m so excited your first FW is in adult outpatient! I’ve been thinking on almost daily basis about how we need more OTs in adult OP! There are so many adults with chronic conditions that are missing out on our services!

I think all three of these podcasts, and their associated articles are great for thinking about your OP experience!




I’m so excited to join the OTP Club and to stay up to date on evidence based research! Thanks for this resource!

I’m so glad you found us, @brittany13!! Looking forward to exploring new OT research with you!!

Looking forward to using this resource on my journey to complete my OTD and for using evidence-based practice in treatment!

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Hi @darla! We love having OTD students in here!! Looking forward to learning from each other!!

hi everyone
i m ready to learn