Welcome to The OT Potential Club!

Hi everyone! So excited to be here among like-minded OTs who want to integrate evidence into practice.
Thank you for creating this space Sarah! I’m looking forward to the conversations.


@lauraparkfig, it is so awesome to have you!! We looked an article several weeks ago that made the argument that our understanding of occupation needs to expand to include “belonging” as a primary human motivator— and it talks specifically about belonging in nature. If you haven’t read it yet, I think you would like it!!!


Hey OT Potential Club!

I am a relatively new professor at a bridge OT program in RI and one of our biggest focus is EBP. I have been using your podcasts to serve as a springboard for classroom discussions to stimulate the minds of our future OT’s. Looking forward to hearing from you all in future discussions!



Welcome, @bethany! It is so great to have another professor in our group!! I’m starting to realize that professors are some of our most active members, and I so appreciate the work you do to engage students! In my opinion, not enough credit is given to the amazing professors we have around the world training new OTs!

I want to support you in your work as much as possible. So, please don’t hesitate to let me know if there are any other ways this platform could support you and your students! Having never served a professor before, I reallly rely on you guys to let me know what you need!

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Hello Everyone!
My name is Christine Wells and I’m a school based OT in Southern California. I’m excited to join the community and advance my OT knowledge with everyone. Thanks!


Welcome Christine! I’ve literally had school OT in Southern CA on my mind today, because I am working in a sample eval from Jayson of the OT School House to share with the Club in Dec.!

We love hearing from school OTs in here, and I hope you find some information to inspire your practice!

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Awesome! Jayson is great and I look forward to the post with his evaluation. Nice to meet you!


Hello, my name is Mathabo. I am working at a rural hospital in the Eastern Cape South Africa. The setting is not specialised thus I work with paeds, neuro, musculoskeletal clients and mental health related clients. I am interested in researching further on HIV/AIDS and depression and returning to work for a Master’s degree in OT in 2020. I am happy to be part of this platform.


Welcome, Mathabo!! It is so great to have another South Africa-based OT in the Club!

I love that you are working in a generalist setting. I started my career in a place that sounds similar to your situation- it is so great to have such diverse work experience. But, I know it can also feel difficult to keep up on each diagnosis, which is a huge part of why we created the Club.

I also love your research interests. If you have one topic you are particularly interested in and don’t find in via a search in here already, feel free to suggest it in this thread!

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I’m excited to be joining this group. I am looking forward to seeing a resource track in peds, private practice, coaching, entrepreneurship, and mental health/trauma informed. Looking forward to what is to come, Thanks for doing this! Amy Schnacker, OTR/L


Welcome, @amy5! This is our first year, and we have been focused on starting to build our library of resources! You can see what we have so far for pediatrics here: https://club.otpotential.com/search?q=pediatrics

Next year our focus will definitely be to continue to build content, but also make it easier to search and find what you are looking for.

I’m not sure yet whether that will look like tracks, like you mentioned, or just more robust search options. And, I agree we need to be intentional about helping people keep up with trauma-informed care research— that is so important for all OT practitioners to be tracking!

Also are you in NEBRAKSA!!? (My software tells me IP addresses, but is not perfect…) I’m based out of Aurora!

I’m so excited to see your program grow, it’s definitely a well needed resource. Thank you! Yes, I am in Amherst, NE (20 miles west of Kearney)… small world. Grad -Creighton in 2000.

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Whoa! That is awesome! Hopefully we meet someday! (I am planning on attending NOTA this year, so be sure to let me know if you are there as well!)

Hello!! I am so grateful to have found the OT Potential Club as a student OTA. I am always looking for ways to enhance my education and I look forward to learning from you all. Thanks!

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Welcome @holly1! We LOVE having OTAs and students in the Club! Looking forward to accompanying you through your education, and transition into practice!!

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Hi, my name is Monica Phillips and I am a pediatric OT. I have the honor of starting up an OT department at an ABA clinic. I can’t wait to more easily access evidence-based research for the kiddos I will serve.

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Wow! Congrats on the new department @monica1! That sounds amazing! We are looking forward to supporting you on your journey! Here are the pediatrics topics we’ve looked at so far, and we can’t wait to keep digging into new peds research in the upcoming months - https://club.otpotential.com/tags/pediatrics

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Thank you, Sarah! I am looking forward to being apart of this community as well.

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Hey there, Alexis Joelle here. It’s been a busy year (as I’m sure many of us can relate). I’m looking forward to taking a deeper dive in 2020 into all the amazing work Sarah has put together for us. I cannot tell you how appreciative I am for the ease in looking up the info I need for relevant journal articles to promote advocacy and evidence in daily practice. With running a OT profession Consultancy business and working full time in acute care, this is a time saver. Look forward to learning from all your insights as well!

That’s so cool we graduated the same year! (Different states).