Welcome to The OT Potential Club!

Thank you so much for giving this episode a listen @megan75! All things lifestyle excites me so I’m glad to hear that part resonated with you!

I’m a COTA and so excited to be a part of OT potential and all the resources available to implement in practice!


Hi @heather4! I’m so glad you are here! I usually greet people right when the join, but have been traveling over the 4th. I’m glad to be back, catching up and creating content for you!

Hello. I had allowed my founding membership with OT Potential to expire. Today I listened to Sara’s podcast on pediatric pelvic health and constipation. I learned so much! I have rejoined! Thank you for continuing to promote quality OT continuing education, evidence and a sharing community!


Welcome back, @evelyn!! I am forever grateful to our founding members who believed in this idea, and I’m so glad you are back! I loved that episode on constipation and the upcoming podcast on interoception is the perfect complement!

Hello, I hope to be able to find useful information!


I’m so glad you are here, @tonya1! Please let me know if I can help you in any way!

Good morning and Hello from Maryland.


Welcome, @kimberly40! Maryland has been top of mind for me lately because I’ve down some capstone support with a student for WNE. And, I’m hoping to work with @brittany20 on a MA CEU requirements page!

So great to have you in here!!!

Hello! So glad to be here ! The OT Potential enriches my brain and skills as an OT. Thank you so much Sarah! You are doing great work and such an asset to the OT community :orange_heart:


Oh Janelle, I am so glad to hear that!! Facilitating this Club has been one of the best experiences of my life, and I’m so glad it is helpful!

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Hi all, I’m Erin, an OT working in outpatient peds. I’ve made it past my first year in the field and have been loving this career so far. I’ve started looking into various ways to grow my knowledge and skillset and decided OT Potential was a great way to dive in to various topics. I just started the OT and ADHD podcast and can’t wait to apply this knowledge with my kiddos.


Oh, @erin20, I’m so glad to hear this!! Outpatient peds can be such satisfying work! I’m glad you are liking the ADHD podcast, I also highly recommend our latest one on interoception!

Hello Everyone! This is the first step looking into research regarding splinting protocol and explore evidence base research regarding use of hoyer slings in acute hospital settings. One of my lead physicians has requested I pursue a few new ideas, and write a paper… over a decade out of school… I need a big refresh! Haha! Please send me leads to any direction that matches conducting evidence based research, writing research paper, splint protocol, use of hoyer slings; much appreciated! Now to perusing this awesome forum!


@jenna25 I’m so glad you found us! I want to help you with this, and can help rope in people! I just started a new section for people to ask questions just like yours! If you want to write what you are looking for and submit it here, I will hop in there and tag people who I think might be able to help you! I may also share the question widely in my newsletter, to help get your question in front of more members!

(You’ll see that I just started the “your questions” section and I think you have the perfect situation to really get this section rolling!)

Hey! Excited to be apart of OT potential looking forward to all it offers :hugs:


Welcome, @symantha! I’m so glad you are here! Let me know if there is ever anything I can help you with!!

Hello everyone! My name is Sheina and I am the Program Director for San Jacinto College’s OTA program. I am excited to network through this medium and look forward to future collabs!


Welcome, @sheina! I was just reading about your capstone project on your profile! I love the passion and skillset you bring to your OTA program. I’m so glad to have you in here!!! (And, let me know if there is anything I can do to better support OTA and OTA students!)

Hi @SarahLyon! It’s a pleasure to be here and connect with the community.

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