Welcome to The OT Potential Club!

I’m so glad you found us, @albane! And, I’m so glad you like the concept! We are so proud of what we have growing here and our incredible members!

Hello! Looking forward to advancing some OT skills, especially with neuro!:hugs:

Welcome, @heather19! I need to start a neuro landing page, because there is such important information coming out!

My favorite foundational article is this Motor Recovery After Stroke!

Our two neuro CEU podcasts (and their related articles) are also so good!!! Anyways, excited to keep diving into neuro topics with you!



Hello everyone! I am so excited to have found this website! I am a clinical assistant professor in the new OT program at St. Bonaventure University in New York state. I can’t wait to use the documentation samples with my students (cited of course!). As an OT geek, I can’t wait to start looking at all the site has to offer. If anyone else works in academia and wants to connect, please reach out to me at tnornhol@sbu.edu.

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Welcome, @tracy5! We have so many great OTs in here that work in academia! I’m excited for you to connect with them. And, I’m pumped you like the documentation examples. We have some new good ones coming for the fall! If any of you students are interested in joining the Club, we make it super affordable for them!

Hello! I just signed up for this with the Medbridge combo. I had Medbridge with my former employer and miss not having those courses, so I’m glad I found this. I am a 30 year OT. While I was off some of the time during COVID, I pursued my Care Management certification through NACCM. I was hired in June 2021 by a Nurse Care Manager who has her own Care Management/Navigation practice. I am fully using my OT knowledge and skills in my new career and she is happy to have me for that reason. I am really enjoying this new realm, however I need to get all my CEUs for both professions on my own. I’m looking forward to using this forum and Medbridge to further advance my OT skills and knowledge.

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Oh wow!! So great to have you, @timna. I have been thinking about care management a lot these past two weeks, because I’ve been working on our article release for next week on Hospital at Home. I’m really excited about the new models of care we are seeing coming out- but I do see a growing need for care managers. And, I love when OTs fill these roles.

I also didnt know about your certification! @yvonne, let’s get it added to this blog post next week!

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Thank you. Yes, my husband’s aunt has been a PT for ~45 years and became a care manager where she lives 8 years ago. I have been thinking about it for several years as she loves what she is doing now. It just seemed like a good fit for me with aging parents myself, I am navigating the system for them and some other aging relatives. With my OT work in the hospital setting slacking off a bit, it just felt like the right time to make the change. It is different and I am learning so much every day. It feels good to continue making a difference in people’s lives but in a different way.

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Hi all! Just learned about this podcast and that we can get CEUs. I spend time traveling between clients, so it’s the perfect space to do some learning. Have a great day!


@colleen13 Oh perfect!!! I hope you find podcasts a helpful learning tool like I do! I feel like we can capture more nuance about the topics than your traditional powerpoint CEU options. Great to have you here!

Hello everyone! I am so excited to be a part of the OT potential club. I’ve been on a journey to reclaim my joy and excitement for OT, and I came across this forum, which I am super excited about being a part of the club. I believe this will be an excellent way to spice things up again for myself and my career.


@chyna This is awesome to hear! (And, I think every OT at some point needs to go on a journey to reclaim their joy and excitement- so kudos to you!) I’m consistently surprised by the exciting developments we find in research- so I am so glad you are joining us!

Hello! Looking forward to being a part of the community!

Hi! I am here hoping to find a community of OTs that work in mental health settings!

Welcome, @brittany17! Great to have you in here! We have some awesome mental health OTs in here. What kind of setting do you work in? You’ll have to check out my conversation with Lauren Jones- and let us know if you have any thoughts/questions!


Hi! My name is Trish and I am a new grad working in pediatric home health. I am so excited to be a part of this OT community. I recently had a baby and am very interested in pelvic floor health. I am noticing that there are limited resources for PF rehab and would be so happy to be able to provide this service to my community!

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Welcome, @trisha2!! It is so great to have you! I’m so glad you are joining just in time for our focus on pelvic health these next two weeks. Lindsey will be active in the forums answering questions, so be sure to ask her any questions you have. Her and I did the blog post a couple years, ago and lots of the info is still relevant. (My podcast with her will be coming out next week, so that will give some more up to date nuggets.)

I’m also excited to hear you are workin in pediatric home health. That reminds me that I need to put @OT4LyfeSarah on my list of guests for next year- as she is one of my fave EI home health OTs. Do you work in EI or with older kids? We do have this eval from her for you to check out:


Hi all! I am an OT with pediatrics & research background and currently working as the Scientific Programs Officer at the American Occupational therapy Foundation (AOTF > About AOTF > About AOTF).
I’m excited to be a part of OT Potential! I look forward to some great discussions!


Wow! @satvika, so great to have you in here! I’ll be so curious to learn more about your perspectives on OT research- and how we can help disseminate it via the Club!

@SarahLyon, I look forward to chatting with you regarding that.

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