Welcome to The OT Potential Club!

Hi! I’m an OTA student currently on my 2nd level 2 rotation. I joined to find the fieldwork manual I loved, used by my OT at the first site. I’m excited to see everything here!

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Hi! I am a current third year OTD student. :slight_smile: I am wrapping up my capstone experience and hoping to take the exam soon! Nice to meet everyone!



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Hello!! My name is Jared, and I am a final semester MSOT student in Southwest Florida. I am passionate about evidence-based practice and science in general! I am currently working for a non-profit organization delivering pediatric home health services.

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Oh yay!! Welcome, @rachael3 !Were you able to find the manual OK? Let me know if you need any help with it! (Also, let me know if there is ever anything you think I should update- it is probably due for a revision!)

Hi @kristen11! Great to have you! We love our OTD students in here! Hopefully we get to learn more about your OT passions and interests over the course of the Club!

Wow! How awesome that you get to work in the home with kids. Are you in early intervention? We have quite the catalogue of pediatric content- especially lots of interesting content on rare diseases, so if you ever encounter a new diagnosis be sure to try searching it in the Club!


Hello Sierra, here. COTA

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Hi @SierraB !! Great to have you in here!!

Hi there!
My name is Theresa Johnson. . I am a 1986 OT grad of University of New England in Biddeford, ME. Having been an OT for over 30 yrs,( in MA) I have been given an opportunity to work in a variety of settings along the healthcare spectrum. I have been a clinician and a mgr. I am presently an Area Manager in home health care as well as a Memory Care instructor for our agency’s Memory Care Program. This Club looks incredible. I look forward to seeing all it has to offer. No matter how long we have been OTs, we need to be lifelong learners to keep our profession moving forward.

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Hi Bonnie

Nice to meet you. It’s good to hear from you. Its a good experience of yours. Stay safe


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Hey Sarah, I came across your podcast recently and was really impressed with your work in OT community. I just signed up for the OT potential club and I hope to learn as well as contribute to the OT community in some way.
Anyways, I have been an OT for past ten years, and I am currently practicing in home health setting in beautiful Shenandoah valley in VA.

Shivani B. Vij, OTD, OTR/L

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Wow! @theresa6, it is so great to have all of your experience in our community! I especially love your current role as Memory Care instructor- what a great fit for an OT!

We’ve covered memory care several times in the Club- I especially loved this evidence summary that gave a really in-depth overview of the topic:


Welcome, @shivani! I love when people find us through the podcast!! I hope you find all of the content we have in here to really add to the listening experience!

(On a total non-OT sidenote: I just got a map of national parks and realized that Shenandoah has a national park- I hope to make it there someday!! The pictures of it do look beautiful!)

Thank you, Sarah! Thank you also for forwarding the link as well.

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Thank you, Sarah! Glad to be here.

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Thank you so much for all
Your input and assistance.

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It is so great to have you @sonja!!! I’ve so appreciated all of your engagement as you’ve joined us!!

Excited to find this site and learn more about EBP! I have been an OT for many years and just began the journey towards my OTD!

@ann10 I’m so glad you found us!! You have definitely found the right place and people! We have many members who are going back for an OTD or PhD! The extra education you all get truly helps lift us all! We are excited to be on this journey with you!

Hi! Love this concept and look forward to everything it offers!

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