Welcome to The OT Potential Club!

Hello everyone! My name is Jill Clancy. I graduated from Alvernia University in PA in 2017 with my MS in occupational therapy. I have experience working with adults and geriatrics via home care but currently work in a clinic and school doing pediatric sensory integration. I am extremely interested in the connection of sleep, diet, and daily routines on engagement and purposefulness in daily live.

Nice to meet everyone! :slight_smile:

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Welcome, @jillian! It is so great to have someone with your interests in here. I feel like an undercurrent of much of the research we are looking at is the developing science about healthy habit formation. I personally feel like helping our clients develop health lifelong habits is one of the greatest services we can deliver as OTs! I’ll be excited to talk more details about this as the topics come up!

Hi @rachel5! It is so great to have you! The opportunity to work in different settings is truly one of the best parts of being an OT! I graduated in 2011, and I’ve already been able to work in an SNF, OP, Acute Care, and a state-run psychiatric facility… oh and now I own my own business :slight_smile: The only thing left on my OT bucket-list is to work at a home for adults with disabilities. Anyways, we look forward to helping you prepare for your diverse paths your career may hold!

Hi @sharon3! I love this quote!!! This definitely sums up my experience there is just so much to learn! And, it is staggering to think about the new advancements that will be made in our life times! Also, I’m making a mental note that you work in tele-health! I hope to share example of tele-health documentation this year!

And, yes, I’m really excited for the pediatric topics we have on our list this year!

Hi there! My name is Alexandria and I am currently an OTA student. I am in my junior year attending Huntington University located in Huntington, IN. I plan to go on to grad school to continue my education and pursue a career as an Occupational Therapist. I am excited to be a part of this OT Potential Club and I hope to learn a lot from this opportunity. I enjoy being “in the know” and learning about new topics!


Hello! My name is Jade Clement and I am currently a student in the OTA program at Huntington University. Following graduation in the spring of 2021, I plan to pursue my dream job which is to work as a COTA in a pediatric setting. I am looking forward to this OT Potential Club and learning about the latest news and research!


Hello all!
My name is Elise Cormany I am a junior at Huntington University pursuing a degree in OTA. I work at Forte Residential, Pathfinders Kids Kampus, and Homecourt Homecare. I still work part time at all of these places. I am interested in psychology and hope for my future career to do something involving psychology. I am excited to read studies and learn more about the occupational therapy profession!


Hello! My name is Josephine and I am so excited to be apart of this community. I am currently a student at Huntington University, which is located in Huntington Indiana. I am studying OTA and will be graduating in May 2021. I hope to attend grad school to get my doctorate in OT after graduation from undergrad. I hope that OT potential widens my horizons and lets me in on the latest and greatest of what OT has to offer.


Hi there, my name is Megan Higgins I am a junior OTA student at Huntington University. After I graduate in 2021 I hope to go on and get my doctoral for OT. After I’m done with schooling I hope to spend a few years working in a hospital. Then eventually work in a clinic of some kind and maybe work to pursue getting certified for hand therapy or some other specialty. I am from Bloomington Indiana, go Hoosiers. I have a younger sister who still loves to pick fights with me. I enjoy playing golf, reading fiction books in my free time, and cooking/baking new things. What got me interested in pursuing a career in OT was the internships/opportunities I had to shadow during high school. I originally wanted a career that wasn’t a desk job that had a lot of paperwork and allowed me to meet new people every day and work to help them become better. This led me to shadow under some Physical Therapists but due to lack of availability, I was placed with an Occupational Therapist. That week I spent with the OT was honestly amazing, and I really loved all that she was able to do and how she worked with the clients. Because of this experience, I started to pursue OT as a future career. Later into my senior year, I spent a semester interning for OT hand therapists which is what really led me to choose OT as my career. I am really excited about all that my future holds with this career path.


Hi, my name is Anya Barg! I am a junior studying in the occupational therapy assistant program at Huntington University. A fun fact about me is that prior to coming to Huntington, I hated coffee, but college has changed my mind. After graduating, I am not sure which age group I want to work with yet, but I am excited to discover my passions as I gain more experience. I look forward to learning through this OT Potential Club and being a part of this community!


Hello! I would just like to introduce myself! My name is Rebecca and I am an occupational therapy assistant student from Huntington University! I am currently a junior, and hope to graduate with my degree in OTA and Health Science! My career goals include becoming an occupational therapy assistant in a local school or church, or potentially moving on with my schooling and getting my doctorate degree in occupational therapy. We will see what happens! I enjoy the things that I am learning about because it is equipping me to have a significant impact on someone’s life through the use of occupational therapy, and I am very excited to start getting into the field and developing relationships with people! My hope is that everyone I come into contact with as an OTA will find confidence in their ability to live life to their fullest potential!


Thank you! I apologize that it took me so long to notice that I had messages! I am particularly interested in anything that deals with geriatrics and mental health. We have the highest average age in our facility in (I believe) the country. Our average age is 88. We have many WWII vets in their 80s and 90s - some still living in the independent neighborhoods. Have a great day and thank you for the article!


Thanks Sarah! And thank you for creating this community!


After listening to the podcast for months, I am finally a club member!! Excited to be part of it!


Hi my name is Edie, I have been an OTR for 18+ years. I have worked in several different settings and enjoy being a facilitator to help each individual Improve and have the best quality of life that they can.

I’m new to your club and I live in OK and WAS working in AR as a Home Health therapist until being laid off last week due to recent changes with PDGM and the company not have enough clients. Our company also sold out to a big corporation that has been making changes. Still difficult to take in since I have never been through this in all my years being an OT.

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this group. I look forward to participating…:rose:


Hi My name is Terrie and I have been an OT for 25 years. I live and work on Long Island, New York. I am the OT supervisor for a preschool for children with special needs. I teach at a local college in the OT department and I am currently in school to complete my OTD. I am married and have son. OH! and I also do homecare and evaluations.

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Hi there, I’m Genny and am a school based OT in CO (and the only OT in my district!). I am about 11 years in but still feel like I have SO much to learn. I feel myself at some point down the road ready to explore other practice settings but still have to figure out where I’d like to go next!


Hi! I’m Melissa I am so excited to join this space! I work in a small outpatient pediatric clinic and love the idea of having therapist to connect with. I am excited to see the research articles and learn from peers and continue to grow as a therapist

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Welcome, @megan644! I’m super curious are you guys getting your OTA as part of a BA degree? If you are able to get the work experience under your belt that you aspire to, you will be super well equipped to pursue either a MOT or OTD! As an OTA you could even look into certain certifications that would carry over to use OTR! https://otpotential.com/blog/where-to-go-with-a-cota-degree

We are excited to be on this journey with you!

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Welcome @anna! My parents lived in Indianapolis for several years and loved it there!! So, all things Indiana now have a special place in my heart :slight_smile: