Welcome to The OT Potential Club!

Welcome, @lakecia!! I used to live in Chicago, so it is fun to have another Illinois therapist in here! I’m also excited for you to connect with the awesome pediatric OTs we have in here!! Be sure to let me know if there is anything I can help you with as you navigate the Club!

My name is Abigail Kroner, and I am an undergraduate student studying Exercise Science Pre-Occupational Therapy with a minor in Psychology. I am graduating December of 2020, and I am planning on going to graduate school for Occupational Therapy in the Fall of 2021. I joined this club to reach out to gain advice and resources from those already in the field.

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Hi @abigail2! It is great to have you in here! Hopefully the Club gives you a massive headstart in learning about the different OT practice areas and the ever evolving research about best practices. I’m guessing you found us through this blog post, but just in case you missed it here is our guide to becoming an OT. https://otpotential.com/blog/become-an-occupational-therapist

Hello! My name is Katie and I’m a new OTR/L. Still looking for that first job but with a strong background in mental health and a huge interest in pediatrics and Neuro conditions! Excited to be here and discussing all things OT!

Hi @kathleen1! It is great to you in here! We love having new grads, and I will be really curious to hear where you land your first job- all of the practice areas you mentioned are so great! Best of luck with the job hunt!!

Hi Laura! Glad to see a familiar face :slight_smile: I hope all is well. (SMU class of 2017)

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I’m excited to see and read what you post! I’m always looking for new ideas and information to better serve my kids!

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Welcome, @shelley1! I saw that you work in the school setting! We love our school-based therapists in here! I wanted to make sure you saw this example school documentation from Jayson Davies of the OT School House: https://club.otpotential.com/t/school-based-ot-eval-report-diagnosis-autism/252

It has been really fun for me to learn from Jayson over the years!

Hi everyone! I am a new grad from Kalamazoo, MI currently studying for the NBCOT.

My goal in joining this club is to start my practice strong with good habits of being a confident, evidence-based practitioner.

Thanks for having me! I’m excited to learn with you all.

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Hi I’m based in South Wales UK and working as a private occupational therapist, which can be lonely at times. So, I’m thrilled to be part of this awesome network. I’m most looking forward to your views on assessments and outcome measures and best practise for working with people with autism. I :heart: Occupational Therapy.

Hi all, I am new here from Tucson, AZ practicing in outpatient OT with children, adolescents, and adults with a variety of conditions. My focus is on chronic conditions, especially postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) or joint hypermobility. I’m a PhD student and excited to have this opportunity to learn more evidence-based literature on here. Already saw the Co-op approach topic and can’t wait to learn more!

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@emily12 Oh my goodness! I’m so happy to have an OT who specializes in POTS! I had horrible POTS-like symptoms after my last pregnancy. Luckily, I found the research by Levine and followed his exercise/lifestyle program and it truly worked a miracle in my life. Finding such a concrete answer in the research is ultimately what led me to launch this Club.

Anyways, I was literally thinking yesterday that I want to spotlight some POTS research in the Club this year, and I might need to ping you when I am deciding on which article.

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Hi everyone! My name is Kristen and I am currently a junior OTA student hoping to grow in knowledge of this amazing field. I am so excited to be a part of this community and get to learn from so many students, practitioners, and researchers!


I’d be honored! Please feel free to reach out.

Hello! Sharon here. I’m excited to be a part of this community and the continued learning. I have always told myself “The day I think I know everything is the day I should stop being an OT.” I’ve been an OT for 31 years. I work with children in their homes or community settings, and am starting to do telehealth as well. Also certified in infant/child massage. Looking forward to Pediatric research!


I am sort of a new-grad, still consider myself that because I graduated a year ago and I am still trying to figure out where to go in the Large OT world. I am very excited to be a part of the OT Potential club in order to upkeep my knowledge about the most current evidence-based practices. Thank you Sarah for creating such a forum!


Hi! My name is Rozlynn Everhart and I am a occupational therapy assistant student at Huntington University! I am so excited to be in here and to learn more and more!


Yay! Welcome @rozlynn! We are so excited to have you and your Huntington cohort!!

Hello! My name is Rachel Bush and I am a junior occupational therapy assistant major at Huntington University. My goal is to become a COTA and work either in a geriatric setting with Alzheimer’s or in pediatrics in the school setting; two very different environments, but both offer so many opportunities. I am super excited to have the opportunity to be a part of this club and to be able to communicate with so many other OT professionals and learn from one another!


Hello! My name is Colin and I am a junior occupational therapy assistant major at Huntington University in Huntington, IN. My plan after graduation is to work as a COTA in some kind of a pediatric setting. I have always been intrigued by the idea of having a positive impact on the youth of the world, and feel as though this is one of the best ways to do that. I am excited for the opportunity to be a part of this club!