Welcome to The OT Potential Club!

Hello club! My name is Brittney. I am an OTA student in California and am currently in my first fieldwork placement in the acute hospital setting. I have enjoyed listening to the OT Potential podcast for quite a few months and I finally decided to join the club. I am looking forward to learning from all you seasoned professionals on EBP literature and looking to pave my way through this wonderful occupation.

Brittney Coronado, OTAS


Welcome, @brittney5!! Thank you so much for being a podcast listener!! How exciting that you are on your first FW placement! I’m excited you joined us, so we can accompany you on your journey from student to practitioner!!

Hello! So excited to be a part of this community of OTPs. Thanks so much for creating this amazing platform.


@rose4, I know you from LinkedIn! How great to have you here in OT Potential! Looking forward to learning alongside you!!

Hello! My name is Sara also and I have been working as a pediatric OT in the school district and out, for six years. I absolutely love being an OT! I am enjoying the benefits of becoming a member of this club. Having research more accessible and easier to implement into my treatments as already been such a great gift!

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Amazed with the content on your site.
Can’t wait to dig in!!


I’m so glad you are here, @donna13! I also think we missed a call you yesterday, so Mitchell sent you a text! We’d love to hop on the phone with you! Or you can email me personally at sarah@otpotential.com

Hi, my name is Alana. I am a COTA in the Ohio area. I look forward to hoining this online community.


So great to have you here, @alana8!! Looking forward to learning alongside you!

Hello, glad to be a part of this progressive OT CLUB


Wow, Sarah, I feel inspired. Just as I was feeling disconnected from the OT community and all the great work and research going on in our field, I found your club! I jumped right in and can’t wait to start learning from my peers!


I’m so glad you found us! The research we look at does tend to keep us on our toes, and is progressive! As someone from rural middle America, I love bridging this research with everyday practice, and I’m glad you are along for the ride!

Oh, I’m so happy you found us when you did @lisa03! The idea for this community was born, when I was feeling super isolated working at a small hosptial in rural Nebraska. I am still in awe of the connections created on here, and hope you have the same experience!

Hello!! I’m so glad to be here!


Welcome, @heaven! So great to have you!!

Hello club members I am excited to join.


Welcome, @joe3!!! Mitchell told me about your incredible story! What an honor to have you in here!!

Hello! So excited to see what all this site has to offer!


So great to have you in here, @taylor25! Looking forward to your capstone!!

Hello and thanks! I look forward to all the learning opportunities