Oh @Kailyn! That sounds hard! I know that feeling of being overwhelmed in outpatient and feeling like I didn’t know enough. You probably know more than you realize, but there also just a lot of learning that goes along with treating the UE!
Are there particular conditions/diagnoses you are seeing a lot? Or skills you feel like you need extra practice on?
Here’s my initial thoughts on resources:
1.) Do you know a local OT CHT? Might be good to build a relationship with one, where you could refer out if needed. Or even get advice from?
2.) I follow both virtual hand care and hand therapy secrets on YouTube, lots of practical tips there on treating specific conditions.
3.) I think that this podcast on CIMT is foundational for understanding best practices, related to CP.
4.) Check out the hand therapy assessments in our search! There are some helpful ones related to pediatrics.