#38: CIMT and OT with Catherine Hoyt (CE Course)

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Learn more about our guest: Catherine R. Hoyt, PhD, OTD, OTR/L

Read the article and discussion upon which this podcast is based.

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Released August 22, 2022.

Constraint-induced Movement Therapy has the reputation for being an intervention that is only for specialized OTs in some far-away speciality clinic.

But, trust me: no matter what population you work with, OTs should be following this research.

Today, on the podcast we are looking at a Cochrane review of all the evidence that undergirds this treatment. CIMT is perhaps the most-studied OT intervention—and it has lessons to teach us all about: neuroplasticity, intensity, and the future of OT :slightly_smiling_face:

After reviewing the article, we are excited to welcome to the podcast Catherine Hoyt, PhD, OTD, OTR/L to discuss how you can be leveraging the principles behind the intervention in your OT practice.

Primary Journal Article Explored

When you log in, be sure to check out the OT Potential Club’s written breakdown of the following research article. Then, share your questions and thoughts with fellow practitioners.

Hoare, B. J., Wallen, M. A., Thorley, M. N., Jackman, M. L., Carey, L. M., & Imms, C. (2019). Constraint-induced movement therapy in children with unilateral cerebral palsy. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 4(4), CD004149.

Supporting Research and Journal Articles

Ramey, S. L., DeLuca, S. C., Stevenson, R. D., Conaway, M., Darragh, A. R., Lo, W., & CHAMP (2021). Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy for Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics, 148(5), e2020033878.

Hoyt, C. R., Sherman, S. K., Brown, S. K., Newbold, D. J., Miller, R. L., Van, A. N., Shimony, J. S., Ortega, M., Nguyen, A. L., Schlaggar, B. L., & Dosenbach, N. U. (2021). Toward a More Comprehensive Assessment of School Age Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy. Rehabilitation process and outcome, 10, 11795727211010500.

CIMT Protocols/Trainings/and other Resources

Learning Objectives

  • You will be able to identify the mechanisms behind CIMT.
  • You will be able to describe ways the principles of CIMT can be incorporated into traditional therapy practices.


Intro (5 minutes)

Breakdown and analysis of journal article (5 minutes)

  • Intro to this article
  • What is CIMT?
  • How does the intervention work?
  • Why was this specific article written?
  • What were the methods?
  • Results
  • Conclusions and discussion
  • Takeaways for OT practitioners

Discussion on practical implications for OTs (with Catherine Hoyt) (50 minutes)

  • Can you tell us how you first found OT?
  • What drew you into pediatric research?
  • What is your professional experience with CIMT?
  • How did it strike you that evidence was low to very-low (for what I consider to be one of the most researched OT interventions?)
  • This article reviews research through 2018—is there any CIMT research that has been published since then that you think OTs should be aware of? Has the evidence base solidified?
  • How do you see CIMT fitting with our growing understanding of neuroplasticity?
  • I feel like CIMT is considered one of those “evidence based interventions that doesn’t translate into everyday practice.” What would you say to this?
  • How can therapist in traditional settings start incorporating what we are learning from CIMT into their practice?
  • What avenues are there for therapists in traditional settings to start moving towards a more intensive therapy model?
  • What specialized training/opportunities would you recommend to someone who wanted to really specialize in CIMT?
  • What do you see on the horizon for CIMT?

Contact Hours

1 hour (0.1 AOTA CEUs)

Target Audience/Educational Level

Our target audience is occupational therapy practitioners who are looking to learn about CIMT and OT. The educational level is introductory.

Instructional Methods/Registration/Special Needs Requests/Cancellation Policy

This course is an independent/self-study course delivered via podcast on iTunes, Spotify and Google Play. Explore your listening options on the OT Potential Podcast page.

If you need accommodations to take this course, please contact us and we will address your needs on an individual basis.

If this course were to be canceled, please see our cancellation policy on our terms page.

Course Completion Requirements

In order to receive a certificate for this course, you must first listen to the podcast in its entirety. Then, you will need to take the test (found at the top of this page) and earn 75% or higher. If you pass, a certificate will be automatically generated and sent to your email.

Financial and Non-financial Disclosures

It is the policy of OT Potential to disclose any financial and non-financial interest the provider or instructor may have in a product or service mentioned during an activity. This is to ensure that the audience is made aware of any bias of the speaker.
We here at OT Potential have no financial stake in this topic. Our guest, Catherine Hoyt also has no financial disclosures.


Catherine R. Hoyt, PhD, OTD, OTR/L:

Catherine R. Hoyt, PhD, OTD, OTR/L

Dr. Hoyt is an early intervention (0-3 years) occupational therapist and Instructor at Washington University School of Medicine. A native of Silver Spring, Md., she earned her doctorate in occupational therapy in 2010 and PhD in rehabilitation and participation science in 2017 from Washington University in St. Louis. She completed a postdoctoral externship at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and a postdoctoral fellowship at Washington University School of Medicine.

Dr. Hoyt is a co-founder of the Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity (COTAD) and served as its chair from its inception in 2014 through 2020. As a clinician, Dr. Hoyt recognized the gaps in assessment, particularly for early identification of disability among children with sickle cell disease, and the real and devastating impact delayed identification of disability can have on long-term outcomes for children, leading to the development of the Infant Toddler Activity Card Sort (ITACS). She is a scholar in the Mentored Training in Implementation Science K12 Training Program and currently serves as site Co-PI for the I-ACQUIRE trial of constraint induced movement therapy for children 8-36 months of age.

Sarah Lyon, OTR/L:

Sarah Lyon, OTR/L headshot

Sarah’s passion is helping fellow OT practitioners translate evidence into daily practice. Sarah earned her BA in religion from St. Olaf College, then earned her master’s degree in occupational therapy from New York University in 2011. Since then, she’s worked in numerous facilities, including a critical access hospital, an acute trauma hospital, and a state inpatient psychiatric hospital.

Sarah is the founder/owner of OT Potential. Read more about OT Potential here.


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Please share any other feedback below! Including, ideas for future programming, and most importantly, how you feel this podcast will impact your practice!

Very Knowledgeable speakers and info on the CIMT


Excellent presentation and direction for the next steps!


There was a lot of information packed into this Podcast. I appreciated the reminder of the fact that Cochrane reviewed CIMT and gave it low evidence is good for the profession and the discussion on methods to improve research to support CIMT.


I’ve thought about this conversation so many time since recording it! I’ll be so curious to see where the research goes on this!

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Loved listening to this podcast. CIMT has been an interest for me to gain more knowledge with. I will definitely be looking to get in contact with therapists in my area. Thank you!


I’m so glad to hear that! This podcast really made me re-think the frequency and duration of all OT treatments- I think the implications range far beyond CIMT!


I was not aware of CIMT prior to this Podcast. I am excited to learn more about it and think about how I can introduce some of what I learned into my current treatment sessions. I mostly work with DD adults, however the same principle of more intense repetition can lead to improved outcomes. We have discussed how to create a more meaningful session for the client to learn and that is by providing an increase in role modeling for the staff and families. The agency I work for is also exploring moving away from utilizing outside OT resources to using the in-house OT Department to address the needs of those receiving services in our infant mental health area which is 0–3-year-olds. My thoughts are already thinking of ways to introduce more intense sessions. I will be searching for more information. Thank you for sharing with us.

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Oh wow! I’m so interested in your work, @kristine7! Catherine and I just found these amazing screens that look at the wellbeing of mom AND baby! Might be something for you to explore!

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Also, @catherine8 and @kristine7 here is a new RCT that I’m eager to see the results of. It looks like they are striving to achieve intensity through close collab with parents!

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Whoa cool! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you so much! I will be sharing this information :slight_smile:

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Hi @kristine7!

You had sent me a email about the CIMT book being out of stock. Catherine did some digging and here is the message she got back from the AOTA Press:

This text is currently only available in Ebook format. It can be purchased at https://myaota.aota.org/shop_aota/product/900472

Thank you for checking into this. I am not a fan of Ebooks, I prefer to have a hard cover. Wish the option was for either. When I went to order it I wasn’t able to select Ebook either, but I will try again.

Thank you

Kris Redmon