How to Submit Your Capstone Project to our Catalog

We welcome students to submit their capstone projects to our OT Capstone Catalog!

This catalog will allow you to disseminate your work to OT professionals from around the globe. It will also allow future students to build upon your work. The capstone project will be available to the public, but to comment or submit to the capstone catalog, you must be a member of the OT Potential Club.

If you would like an OT Potential Club membership to submit your project, follow the steps here.

Posting your project

To get started, make sure you’ve added a profile picture. Then in the Capstone Catalog category click NEW TOPIC

In your new topic, insert the title of your project, and choose from any applicable tags, such as your focus area:

Capstone posts must be posted using the following format, or will not be approved.

One sentence description of your project.

Student name:
Name of Mentor:
Capstone setting:
Virtual / In-person / Hybrid:

(Please provide 1-2 sentences to describe the following.)

Capstone Objectives:




2-3 ideas for future directions to build on on this project:

Reflections on how you see this project influencing your OT career trajectory:

When you are ready, click CREATE TOPIC and it will be sent to us to review. By creating the topic, you agree to have the information about your project shared publically.


I love this idea! I think this is so great, especially so that we can continue to build on previous capstones projects and grow them!


We only have one project so far- and I am already loving it! I think it will be helpful for students—but I think it will be most helpful for practicing OTs to see the work students are doing.

It feels like there are so many great resources that get created, but then don’t get connected with therapists who could use them!


@pj1, some students have gotten permission to upload their capstone directly. I think ownership of the actually project is a little complex, so it is easiest to link out to it if possible. Since there is so much variation in projects, it is helpful with students answer our basic questions. It makes it easier to skim through them. And, makes the content searchable!