A systematic review of sensory processing interventions for children with autism spectrum disorders

Hi @jillian! I’m so thankful you are willing to share with us as practicing SI therapist! It is helpful to see your processing, because I’m seeing so many common themes in this discussion:

1.) wishing the research was further along—which honestly is true of almost every condition/intervention we look at :slight_smile:
2.) seeing that individual therapist clinical reasoning plays a huge role in care
3.) that ultimately the need for anchoring our treatments in what is possible in the daily routines of patients and not lose sight that our ultimate goals is to improve function in areas that are important to our clients!

I’m glad you brought up the ALERT program, because we have discussed that before in the Club:
A critical review of research on the ALERT Program®

I’m also looking at the Therapeeds website, because it is totally new to me! @meg2, I’m seeing that these courses are about the same duration and costs as yours. I’m curious if you could let us know the differences and similarities with your Live Play Thrive courses?

Again, thank you, Jillian! I am SO GLAD you are here!!